Set options for a chart

tui_legend(tui, ...)

tui_yAxis(tui, ...)

tui_xAxis(tui, ...)

tui_chart(tui, ...)

tui_series(tui, ...)

tui_tooltip(tui, ...)

tui_plot(tui, ...)

tui_chartExportMenu(tui, ...)



A tuichart htmlwidget object.


Named parameters, see


A tuichart htmlwidget object.


# See the vignette for examples vignette("options", package = "tuichartr")
#> Warning: vignette 'options' not found
library(tuichartr) # a classic scatter plot my_scatter <- tuichart("scatter") %>% add_data(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, group = Species)) # add a title my_scatter %>% tui_chart(title = "Classic Iris example") # format numeric values in all chart # (x-axis, y-axis, tooltip) my_scatter %>% tui_chart(format = "0.00") # hide legend my_scatter %>% tui_legend(visible = FALSE) # or change position and hide # checkbox to show/hide group my_scatter %>% tui_legend( align = "bottom", # or top, left, right showCheckbox = FALSE ) # hide the export menu my_scatter %>% tui_chartExportMenu(visible = FALSE) # some options for axis my_scatter %>% tui_xAxis( tickInterval = "auto", title = "X axis title" # title ) %>% tui_yAxis( max = 10 # y max value )