Display plots, htmlwidgets or other HTML components in a grid.

  n_col = NULL,
  n_col_sm = NULL,
  max_n_col = NULL,
  cols_width = NULL,
  cols_width_sm = NULL,
  gutter = FALSE,
  .list = NULL



Elements to include in the grillade, must be HTML-like outputs.


Number of columns, default to NULL and automatically display element with equal size in the grid.


Number of columns with small screen.


Maximum number of columns, used if n_col = NULL and number of elements is unknown.


Numeric vector, numbers of columns taken by each elements, can be a single number or a vector of same length as elements number.


Similar to cols_width but apply for small screens.


Add a gutter between columns, can be TRUE/FALSE, or "l" or "xl".


Alternative list of elements to include in the grid.


A grillade object that can be used in the console, in shiny application and in markdown document.


# Grillade in Shiny UI ---------------------------------------------------- library(grillade) library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( tags$h2("Grillade in Shiny UI"), tags$b("3 columns"), grillade( wellPanel("Column 1", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 2", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 3", style = "text-align: center;") ), tags$b("5 columns"), grillade( wellPanel("Column 1", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 2", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 3", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 4", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 5", style = "text-align: center;") ), tags$b("5 columns with gutter"), grillade( gutter = TRUE, wellPanel("Column 1", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 2", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 3", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 4", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 5", style = "text-align: center;") ), tags$b("5 columns with big gutter"), grillade( gutter = "xl", wellPanel("Column 1", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 2", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 3", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 4", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 5", style = "text-align: center;") ), tags$b("3 columns"), grillade( n_col = 3, wellPanel("Column 1", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 2", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 3", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 4 (will be on a 2nd row)", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 5 (will be on a 2nd row)", style = "text-align: center;") ), tags$b("4 columns & specific widths"), grillade( n_col = 4, cols_width = c(NA, 3, 2, 2, NA), wellPanel("Column 1", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 2 (take 3)", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 3 (take 2)", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 4 (take 2)", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column 5", style = "text-align: center;") ), tags$b("Nested"), grillade( grillade( wellPanel("Column A 1", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column A 2", style = "text-align: center;") ), grillade( wellPanel("Column B 1", style = "text-align: center;"), wellPanel("Column B 2", style = "text-align: center;") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { } if (interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server) # Matrix of widgets in viewer --------------------------------------------- library(apexcharter) library(grillade) data("economics", package = "ggplot2") # Create some charts with an htmlwidget a1 <- apex( data = tail(economics, 350), mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed), type = "line" ) %>% ax_chart( group = "economics", id = "uempmed" ) %>% ax_yaxis( labels = list( minWidth = 15 ) ) a2 <- apex( data = tail(economics, 350), mapping = aes(x = date, y = psavert), type = "line" ) %>% ax_chart( group = "economics", id = "psavert" ) %>% ax_yaxis( labels = list( minWidth = 15 ) ) a3 <- apex( data = tail(economics, 150), mapping = aes(x = date, y = unemploy), type = "line" ) %>% ax_chart( group = "economics", id = "unemploy" ) %>% ax_yaxis( labels = list( minWidth = 15 ) ) # Display them grillade(a1, a2) # Two columns matrix grillade(a1, a2, a3, n_col = 2) grillade(a1, a2, a3, n_col = 2, cols_width = c(NA, NA, 2))