Use any Bootstrap variables to customize a shiny
body_bg = NULL,
text_color = NULL,
link_color = NULL,
link_hover_color = NULL,
line_height_base = NULL,
grid_columns = NULL,
grid_gutter_width = NULL,
border_radius_base = NULL
brand_primary = NULL,
brand_success = NULL,
brand_info = NULL,
brand_warning = NULL,
brand_danger = NULL,
gray_base = NULL,
gray_darker = NULL,
gray_dark = NULL,
gray = NULL,
gray_light = NULL,
gray_lighter = NULL
height = NULL,
margin_bottom = NULL,
border_radius = NULL,
padding_horizontal = NULL,
padding_vertical = NULL,
collapse_max_height = NULL,
default_color = NULL,
default_bg = NULL,
default_border = NULL,
default_link_color = NULL,
default_link_active_color = NULL,
default_link_active_bg = NULL,
default_link_hover_color = NULL,
default_link_hover_bg = NULL,
inverse_color = NULL,
inverse_bg = NULL,
inverse_border = NULL,
inverse_link_color = NULL,
inverse_link_active_color = NULL,
inverse_link_active_bg = NULL,
inverse_link_hover_color = NULL,
inverse_link_hover_bg = NULL
link_padding = NULL,
link_hover_bg = NULL,
disabled_link_color = NULL,
disabled_link_hover_color = NULL
family_sans_serif = NULL,
size_base = NULL,
size_large = NULL,
size_small = NULL,
size_h1 = NULL,
size_h2 = NULL,
size_h3 = NULL,
size_h4 = NULL,
size_h5 = NULL,
size_h6 = NULL
bs_vars_wells(bg = NULL, border = NULL)
success_text = NULL,
success_bg = NULL,
success_border = NULL,
info_text = NULL,
info_bg = NULL,
info_border = NULL,
warning_text = NULL,
warning_bg = NULL,
warning_border = NULL,
danger_text = NULL,
danger_bg = NULL,
danger_border = NULL
bg = NULL,
color = NULL,
border = NULL,
border_radius = NULL,
color_placeholder = NULL,
group_addon_bg = NULL,
border_focus = NULL,
bg_disabled = NULL
padding = NULL,
border_radius = NULL,
link_font_weight = NULL,
success_text = NULL,
success_bg = NULL,
success_border = NULL,
info_text = NULL,
info_bg = NULL,
info_border = NULL,
warning_text = NULL,
warning_bg = NULL,
warning_border = NULL,
danger_text = NULL,
danger_bg = NULL,
danger_border = NULL
bg = NULL,
bar_color = NULL,
border_radius = NULL,
bar_bg = NULL,
bar_success_bg = NULL,
bar_warning_bg = NULL,
bar_danger_bg = NULL,
bar_info_bg = NULL
bg = NULL,
body_padding = NULL,
heading_padding = NULL,
footer_padding = NULL,
border_radius = NULL,
inner_border = NULL,
footer_bg = NULL,
default_text = NULL,
default_border = NULL,
default_heading_bg = NULL,
primary_text = NULL,
primary_border = NULL,
primary_heading_bg = NULL,
success_text = NULL,
success_border = NULL,
success_heading_bg = NULL,
info_text = NULL,
info_border = NULL,
info_heading_bg = NULL,
warning_text = NULL,
warning_border = NULL,
warning_heading_bg = NULL,
danger_text = NULL,
danger_border = NULL,
danger_heading_bg = NULL
md = NULL,
lg = NULL,
sm = NULL,
inner_padding = NULL,
title_padding = NULL,
title_line_height = NULL,
content_bg = NULL,
content_border_color = NULL,
content_fallback_border_color = NULL,
backdrop_bg = NULL,
backdrop_opacity = NULL,
header_border_color = NULL,
footer_border_color = NULL
font_weight = NULL,
default_color = NULL,
default_bg = NULL,
default_border = NULL,
primary_color = NULL,
primary_bg = NULL,
primary_border = NULL,
success_color = NULL,
success_bg = NULL,
success_border = NULL,
info_color = NULL,
info_bg = NULL,
info_border = NULL,
warning_color = NULL,
warning_bg = NULL,
warning_border = NULL,
danger_color = NULL,
danger_bg = NULL,
danger_border = NULL,
link_disabled_color = NULL,
border_radius_base = NULL,
border_radius_large = NULL,
border_radius_small = NULL
bg = NULL,
border = NULL,
fallback_border = NULL,
divider_bg = NULL,
link_color = NULL,
link_hover_color = NULL,
link_hover_bg = NULL,
link_active_color = NULL,
link_active_bg = NULL,
link_disabled_color = NULL,
header_color = NULL
border_radius = NULL,
active_link_hover_bg = NULL,
active_link_hover_color = NULL
border_color = NULL,
link_hover_border_color = NULL,
active_link_hover_bg = NULL,
active_link_hover_color = NULL,
active_link_hover_border_color = NULL,
justified_link_border_color = NULL,
justified_active_link_border_color = NULL
color = NULL,
bg = NULL,
link_hover_color = NULL,
active_color = NULL,
active_bg = NULL,
font_weight = NULL,
line_height = NULL,
border_radius = NULL
padding_base_vertical = NULL,
padding_base_horizontal = NULL,
padding_large_vertical = NULL,
padding_large_horizontal = NULL,
padding_small_vertical = NULL,
padding_small_horizontal = NULL,
padding_xs_vertical = NULL,
padding_xs_horizontal = NULL,
line_height_large = NULL,
line_height_small = NULL,
border_radius_base = NULL,
border_radius_large = NULL,
border_radius_small = NULL,
component_active_color = NULL,
component_active_bg = NULL,
caret_width_base = NULL,
caret_width_large = NULL
cell_padding = NULL,
condensed_cell_padding = NULL,
bg = NULL,
bg_accent = NULL,
bg_hover = NULL,
bg_active = NULL,
border_color = NULL
Variables to use, under the form body_bg = "#FFF"
or "body-bg" = "#FFF"
Background color for the body.
Global text color on body.
Dropdown link text color.
Linked badge text color on hover.
Unit-less line-height
for use in components like buttons.
Number of columns in the grid, e.g. in shiny::fluidRow(shiny::column(...))
Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right.
Base border radius.
Primary color, default: #337ab7 .
Success color, default: #5cb85c .
Info color, default: #5bc0de .
Warning color, default: #f0ad4e .
Danger color, default: #d9534f .
Base gray color.
Darker gray color.
Dark gray color.
Gray color.
Light gray color.
Lighter gray color.
Height of the navbar, e.g. "50px"
(the default in Bootstrap).
Bottom margin of navbar.
Border radius.
Horizontal padding.
= Vertical padding.
Max height when collapsed.
Text color for default buttons.
Background color for default buttons.
Border color for default buttons.
Link color.
Color for active link (selected tab).
Background color for active link (selected tab).
Color of links when hovered.
Background color of links when hovered.
Color of text for inverted navbar.
Background color for inverted navbar.
Border color for inverted navbar.
Link color for inverted navbar.
Color for active link (selected tab) for inverted navbar.
Background color for active link (selected tab) for inverted navbar.
Color of links when hovered for inverted navbar.
Background color of links when hovered for inverted navbar.
Padding for links (tabset's titles).
Hover background for dropdown links.
Disabled link color.
Disabled link hover color.
Font family to use.
Size of base font, e.g. normal text, default in Bootstrap is "15px"
Size of large text.
Size of small text.
Size of h1 tags.
Size of h2 tags.
Size of h3 tags.
Size of h4 tags.
Size of h5 tags.
Size of h6 tags.
Background color.
Dropdown menu border-color.
Text color for success status.
Background color for success buttons.
Border color for success buttons.
Text color for info status.
Background color for info buttons.
Border color for info buttons.
Text color for warning status.
Background color for warning buttons.
Border color for warning buttons.
Text color for danger status.
Background color for danger buttons.
Border color for danger buttons.
Text color.
Text color of placeholder.
Background color of addons.
Color of border when focused.
Background color for disabled input.
Padding for alerts.
Font weight for links in alerts.
Progress bar text color
Default progress bar color.
Success progress bar color.
Warning progress bar color.
Danger progress bar color.
Info progress bar color.
Panel body padding.
Panel heading padding.
Panel footer padding.
Border color for inner elements in panel.
Panel footer background color.
Default color for text.
Default background color for panel heading.
Text color for primary status.
Border color for primary buttons.
Heading background color for primary status.
Heading background color for success status.
Heading background color for info status.
Heading background color for warning status.
Heading background color for danger status.
Size in pixel for medium modal, e.g. modalDialog(size = "m")
Size in pixel for large modal, e.g. modalDialog(size = "l")
Size in pixel for small modal, e.g. modalDialog(size = "s")
Padding applied to the modal body.
Padding applied to the modal title.
Modal title line-height.
Background color of modal content area.
Modal content border color.
Modal content border color (for IE8).
Modal backdrop background color.
Modal backdrop opacity.
Modal header border color.
Modal footer border color.
Font weight, e.g. : "bold"
Text color for primary buttons.
Background color for primary buttons.
Text color for success buttons.
Text color for info buttons.
Text color for warning buttons.
Text color for danger buttons.
Disabled dropdown menu item background color.
Large border radius.
Small border radius.
Dropdown menu border-color (for IE8).
Divider color for between dropdown items.
Active dropdown menu item text color.
Active dropdown menu item background color.
Text color for headers within dropdown menus.
Active link hover background color.
Active link hover color.
Border color.
Link hover color.
Active link hover border color.
Justified link border color.
Justified active link border color.
Badge text color in active nav link.
Badge background color in active nav link.
Line height.
Vertical base padding.
Horizontal base padding.
Vertical large padding.
Horizontal large padding.
Vertical small padding.
Horizontal small padding.
Vertical extra small padding.
Horizontal extra small padding.
Line height for large elements.
Line height for small elements.
Color for active components.
Background color for active components.
Width for caret.
Widget for large caret.
Cell padding.
Cell padding when using condensed table.
Background color used in striped table.
Background color used when hovering the table with the mouse.
Background color when row is selected.
a list
that can be used in create_theme()
For a full list of available variables, use search_vars_bs()
bs_vars(body_bg = "#FFF")
#> $`body-bg`
#> [1] "#FFF"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "fresh_sass_vars" "bootstrap_vars" "list"
bs_vars("body-bg" = "#FFF")
#> $`body-bg`
#> [1] "#FFF"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "fresh_sass_vars" "bootstrap_vars" "list"