Allow to customize some CSS variables from Bootstrap themes to be included in Shiny applications.

  theme = c("default", "cerulean", "cosmo", "cyborg", "darkly", "flatly", "journal",
    "lumen", "paper", "readable", "sandstone", "simplex", "slate", "spacelab",
    "superhero", "united", "yeti"),
  output_file = NULL,
  include_assets = FALSE



Lists of CSS variables declared with bs_vars_* or adminlte_* functions.


Base theme to use.


Specifies path to output file for compiled CSS.


Logical. Only use if output_file is not NULL, it will copy fonts file used in Bootstrap and Bootswatch themes. Note that output path will be modified to add an intermediate directory "stylesheets" where the CSS file will be located.


If output_file = NULL, the function returns a string value of the compiled CSS. If the output path is specified, the compiled CSS is written to that file and invisible() is returned.


# using a temporary file but use the path you want tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "custom-theme.css") # Create the new theme create_theme( theme = "default", bs_vars_color( brand_primary = "#75b8d1", brand_success = "#c9d175", brand_info = "#758bd1", brand_warning = "#d1ab75", brand_danger = "#d175b8" ), bs_vars_navbar( default_bg = "#75b8d1", default_color = "#FFFFFF", default_link_color = "#FFFFFF", default_link_active_color = "#FFFFFF" ), output_file = tmp ) # Use the file created at the path provided # in your Shiny app by moving it in the # www/ folder, then use it in UI library(shiny) fluidPage( theme = "custom-theme.css" )
#> <div class="container-fluid"></div>
# clean up unlink(tmp)