These variables allow to customize color used if contrast between a color and its background is under threshold. For example, it's used to choose text color written in bs4ValueBox with background defined by a status.

bs4dash_yiq(contrasted_threshold = NULL, text_dark = NULL, text_light = NULL)



The yiq lightness value that determines when the lightness of color changes from "dark" to "light". Acceptable values are between 0 and 255.


Dark text color.


Light text color.


a list that can be used in create_theme.


# Contrast colors bs4dash_yiq( contrasted_threshold = 150, text_dark = "#007bff", # blue text_light = "#dc3545" # red )
#> $`yiq-contrasted-threshold` #> [1] 150 #> #> $`yiq-text-dark` #> [1] "#007bff" #> #> $`yiq-text-light` #> [1] "#dc3545" #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "fresh_sass_vars" "bs4dash_vars" "list"
if (interactive()) { library(shiny) library(bs4Dash) ui <- bs4DashPage( title = "bs4Dash Contrast", navbar = bs4DashNavbar(), sidebar = bs4DashSidebar(), body = bs4DashBody( use_theme(create_theme( bs4dash_yiq( contrasted_threshold = 180, text_dark = "#000", text_light = "#dc3545" ) )), fluidRow( bs4ValueBox( value = 120, subtitle = "ValueBox with primary status", status = "primary", icon = "shopping-cart", href = "#", width = 4 ), bs4ValueBox( value = 150, subtitle = "ValueBox with danger status", status = "danger", icon = "shopping-cart", href = "#", width = 4 ) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output) { } shinyApp(ui, server) }