WinBox Options
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
minwidth = NULL,
minheight = NULL,
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
max = NULL,
min = NULL,
top = NULL,
right = NULL,
bottom = NULL,
left = NULL,
background = NULL,
border = NULL,
modal = NULL,
index = NULL,
- width, height
Set the initial width/height of the window (supports units "px" and "%").
- minwidth, minheight
Set the minimal width/height of the window (supports units "px" and "%").
- x, y
Set the initial position of the window (supports: "right" for x-axis, "bottom" for y-axis, "center" for both, units "px" and "%" for both).
- max, min
Automatically toggles the window into maximized / minimized state when created.
- top, right, bottom, left
Set or limit the viewport of the window's available area (supports units "px" and "%").
- background
Set the background of the window (supports all CSS styles which are also supported by the style-attribute "background", e.g. colors, transparent colors, hsl, gradients, background images).
- border
Set the border width of the window (supports all css units, like px, %, em, rem, vh, vmax).
- modal
Shows the window as modal.
- index
Set the initial z-index of the window to this value (could be increased automatically when unfocused/focused).
- ...
Other options, see
A list
of options to use in WinBox()
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton(inputId = "show1", label = "Show WinBox"),
actionButton(inputId = "show2", label = "Show WinBox as modal")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$show1, {
title = "Custom background color and border",
ui = tagList(
tags$h2("Hello from WinBox!"),
"Text content of winbox."
options = wbOptions(
background = "#112446",
border = "0.5em",
x = "center",
y = "center",
width = "50%",
height = "50%"
observeEvent(input$show2, {
title = "WinBox as modal",
ui = tagList(
tags$h2("Hello from WinBox!"),
"Text content of winbox."
options = wbOptions(modal = TRUE)
if (interactive())
shinyApp(ui, server)