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Title, subtitle and axis titles

Packages and data used below:

#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

data("diamonds", package = "ggplot2")


You can set title, subtitle and axis’ titles at once with ax_labs():

apex(data = diamonds, type = "column", mapping = aes(x = cut)) %>%
    title = "Cut distribution",
    subtitle = "Data from ggplot2",
    x = "Cut",
    y = "Count"

If you want more control (font size, alignment, …), you can use ax_title(), ax_subtitle(), ax_xaxis() and ax_yaxis(), as described below.


apex(data = diamonds, type = "column", mapping = aes(x = cut)) %>% 
  ax_title(text = "Cut distribution")

You can set some options, for example:

apex(data = diamonds, type = "column", mapping = aes(x = cut)) %>% 
    text = "Cut distribution", 
    align = "center",
    style = list(fontSize = "22px", fontWeight = 700)

Full list of parameters is available here :


apex(data = diamonds, type = "column", mapping = aes(x = cut)) %>% 
  ax_title(text = "Cut distribution") %>% 
  ax_subtitle(text = "Data from ggplot2")

With same options than for title:

apex(data = diamonds, type = "column", mapping = aes(x = cut)) %>% 
    text = "Cut distribution", 
    align = "center",
    style = list(fontSize = "22px", fontWeight = 700)
  ) %>% 
    text = "Data from ggplot2", 
    align = "center",
    style = list(fontSize = "16px", fontWeight = 400, color = "#BDBDBD")

Full list of parameters is available here :

Axis title

apex(data = diamonds, type = "column", mapping = aes(x = cut)) %>% 
  ax_yaxis(title = list(text = "Count")) %>% 
  ax_xaxis(title = list(text = "Cut"))

With some options:

apex(data = diamonds, type = "column", mapping = aes(x = cut)) %>% 
  ax_yaxis(title = list(
    text = "Count",
    style = list(fontSize = "14px", color = "#BDBDBD")
  )) %>% 
  ax_xaxis(title = list(
    text = "Cut", 
    style = list(fontSize = "14px", color = "#BDBDBD")



## economics dataset from ggplot2
data("economics", package = "ggplot2")
data("economics_long", package = "ggplot2")
economics <- tail(economics, 50)
economics_long <- subset(economics_long, date >= "2010-01-01")

Type of line

Classic line:

apex(data = economics, type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed))

Spline curve:

apex(data = economics, type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) %>% 
  ax_stroke(curve = "smooth")

Steps chart:

apex(data = economics, type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) %>% 
  ax_stroke(curve = "stepline")

Line appearance

Color line with gradient:

apex(data = economics, type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) %>% 
    type = "gradient",
    gradient = list(
      shade = "dark",
      gradientToColors = list("#FDD835"),
      shadeIntensity = 1,
      type = "horizontal",
      opacityFrom = 1,
      opacityTo = 1,
      stops = c(0, 100, 100, 100)

Solid area color:

apex(data = economics, type = "area", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) %>% 
  ax_fill(type = "solid", opacity = 1)

Line width:

apex(data = economics, type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) %>% 
  ax_stroke(width = 1)

Dotted line

apex(data = economics, type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) %>% 
  ax_stroke(dashArray = 6)


Add points to line :

apex(data = tail(economics, 20), type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) %>% 
  ax_markers(size = 6)

Add labels over points

apex(data = tail(economics, 20), type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) %>% 
  ax_markers(size = 6) %>% 
  ax_dataLabels(enabled = TRUE)

Multiple lines

You can use vectors of parameters to custom series separately:

apex(data = economics_long, type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = value01, group = variable)) %>% 
  ax_yaxis(decimalsInFloat = 2) %>% 
  ax_markers(size = c(3, 6)) %>% 
  ax_stroke(width = c(1, 3))
apex(data = economics_long, type = "line", mapping = aes(x = date, y = value01, group = variable)) %>% 
  ax_yaxis(decimalsInFloat = 2) %>% 
  ax_stroke(dashArray = c(8, 5))