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#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found


Create and update (or destroy and re-create)

When a graph has been generated in Shiny, if the values change (via a reactive function), the graph is not regenerated, only the data is updated. If you have changed specific options in the graphic (such as maximum y axis value, chart’s title, …) these will not be updated. This behavior can be controlled with auto_update argument (available in apexchart() and apex()) :

By default, auto_update is TRUE :

apex(..., auto_update = TRUE)

If you want to re-create the whole chart, set the option to FALSE:

apex(..., auto_update = FALSE)

You can also use config_update() to specify what to update :

apex(..., auto_update = config_update(update_options = TRUE))


A proxy is also implemented to update charts manually server-side. You can update data:

output$my_chart <- renderApexchart({
  apex(data = isolate(data_reactive()), ..., auto_update = FALSE)

observeEvent(input$update, {
  apexchartProxy("my_chart") %>% 

Be sure to use shiny::isolate() to block any reactivity in renderApexchart function and to set auto_update to FALSE to prevent updating twice. Then you can use in an observe function (or any reactive function) apexchartProxy() with the output id to get the chart instance and ax_proxy_series() to update data.

If you want to update chart’s options, use :

observeEvent(input$update, {
  apexchartProxy("my_chart") %>% 
      title = list(
        text = "New title"
      xaxis = list(
        max = NEW_VALUE



Click on a chart to select a data point and retrieve value server side with set_input_click() :

  month =,
  value = sample(1:100, 12)
) %>% 
  apex(aes(month, value), height = "250px") %>% 
  ax_title("Click a bar:") %>% 

Value server-side will be available through input$click.

Depending on the type of graphic, you can retrieve :

  • bar and column: category (x-axis).
  • pie and donut: label.
  • time-series: retrieve x-axis value, you have to display markers with size > 0 and set tooltip’s options intersect = TRUE and shared = FALSE.
  • scatter: retrieve XY coordinates.

Multiple selection is possible and you can change the darken effect of selected bars :

  month =,
  value = sample(1:100, 12)
) %>% 
  apex(aes(month, value), height = "250px") %>% 
  ax_title("Click several bars:") %>% 
    inputId = "click", 
    multiple = TRUE, 
    effect_value = 0.1

More examples are available with:


Retrieve the coordinates of the axes when the graph is zoomed in:

data("economics", package = "ggplot2")
apex(economics, aes(date, psavert), type = "line", height = "250px") %>% 

Value server-side will be available through input$zoom under the form :

#> $x
#> $x$min
#> [1] "1981-10-24 15:41:16 UTC"
#> $x$max
#> [1] "1992-01-24 06:40:22 UTC"
#> $y
#> $y$min
#> $y$max

Here values for y are NULL because zoom is only possible on x-axis, but for a scatter chart for example you can zoom on both axis.

More examples are available with:


Retrieve the coordinates of the axes when user select an area on a chart (without zooming):

apex(economics, aes(date, psavert), type = "line", height = "250px") %>% 

Value server-side will be available through input$selection under the form :

#> $x
#> $x$min
#> [1] "1981-10-24 15:41:16 UTC"
#> $x$max
#> [1] "1992-01-24 06:40:22 UTC"

You can define a selected area at start:

apex(economics, aes(date, psavert), type = "line", height = "250px") %>% 
    inputId = "selection", 
    xmin = format_date("1980-01-01"), 
    xmax = format_date("1985-01-01")

Above selection is only made possible on x-axis, but in case of scatter chart for example, you can select a rectangle (both axis):

apex(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width), type = "scatter", height = "250px") %>% 
  set_input_selection("selection_scatter", type = "xy")

In this case, input value will look like this:

#> $x
#> $x$min
#> [1] 5.130187
#> $x$max
#> [1] 5.541228
#> $y
#> $y$min
#> [1] 2.959623
#> $y$max
#> [1] 3.860357

More examples are available with:
